Delivering the extraordinary
Whether your need is for in-classroom, online, or hybrid, 2-day or 8-weeks, no other program delivers like Zschool. Each session meets the same high academic standards you demand from all of your curriculum, complete with syllabus, lesson plans, learning materials, book lists, credit completion requirements and hands-on experiential activities. Participants roll-up their sleeves to complete independent and group assignments designed to prepare them to excel in their field.
Our programs are designed with an end-game in mind - participants will walk away with a solid plan to evoke change back at their organizations. During the program, they’ll work on a capstone project to apply their learnings - their customized Professional Portfolio. This consists of detailed strategic plans, templated toolkits, best practices guidelines, and other pieces that are applicable to the program topic. |
Choose from these example programs or contact us to have us design a unique program for your university
The in-classroom experience
In-classroom programs are fast-paced and collaborative. They break professionals away from their daily work routine. They're submerged in real-life challenges, expert thought leadership, strategy sessions, innovation frameworks, goal-setting, strategy ideation, project and organizational planning.
With today’s work-life full of distractions every second, Zschool's in-class programs allow participants to concentrate fully on the task at hand. They'll interact with peers, combine ideas, collaborate on projects, and discuss real-work challenges.
With today’s work-life full of distractions every second, Zschool's in-class programs allow participants to concentrate fully on the task at hand. They'll interact with peers, combine ideas, collaborate on projects, and discuss real-work challenges.
The online experience
Zschool's online programs provide participants learning experiences when they want it, where they want it, on the screen of their choice. They enjoy greater flexibility by setting their own individual pace and personal learning styles. We've found that, by providing our courses online, you can extend your reach, fulfill the needs of more participants, while greatly reducing your overhead costs. All of our online courseware are SCORM compliant.
Surpassing typical online expectations
This isn't your typical online experience. Our curriculum specialists know that successful, professional adult learning requires special design. All of our online courses come supported with faculty interaction, dynamic discussions and live conferences. Presentations are kept to under 5 minutes each before a break or activity occurs, keeping participants engaged. We know that while online, distractions often occur, so each learning section is carefully measured to take such needed breaks into consideration.
Offer your executive clients top programs and best-in-class curriculum with Zschool |
Bring Zschool to your university
To learn more about bringing Zschool programs to your university, and to find out how we can help executives and professionals drive real business results, contact us at 1.844.669.7884 to speak with a program counselor.